Tuesday, June 2, 2009

TFLN Texts of The Day

Texts of The Day:
  1. (212): I know she is the girl of my dreams bc she orgasmed, rolled over and then asked if I knew that Orlando beat Cleveland.
  2. (816): FYI-Owning a kitty significantly lowers your chances of ever seeing mine...
  3. (330): I just had to have my mom look at my penis to figure out what it was. How do you think my day is going?
  4. (416): i may not always bang 16 year olds but when i do, i prefer hot ones
  5. (805): before i could say "i'm not that kind of girl", i was.
  6. (404): I hate seeing commercials about babies when i'm high(954): Yeah, I don't like babies at all
  7. (410): it was a mass text i'm sorry(603): do you usually send 'hey sexy' as a mass text?
  8. (225): I just found out the guys at work had a bet as to who could sleep with me before i move away.(504): Who won?(225): All of them.
  9. (914): I just tried to unlock my house with the car remote
  10. (440): so i texed my mom when i was trashed last night and said "i know its 3 am, just go to bed and i'll be back by the time we leave for the airport"


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