Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jon & Kate Don't Use The Bathroom Together Either

People.com wrote up an article about how Kate from the Jon & Kate start a basketball team show took her 8 kids to the beach without her husband. There have been rumors that both have cheated with evidence pointing to Jon more or less. (Apparently they have a secret contract that allows him to cheat as long as he's around for the cameras.....luckyyyyyyy)

I digress though. This would be a big deal if she took them by herself. I sometimes can't take myself places because I can't control me, let alone 8 kids. This family is notorious though for having a ton of nannies (not just on camera either) so I don't feel so bad. Plus she's getting paid to do what most people do for free-parenting. Suck on it People.

She's hot now, but enjoy eating today after seeing this:

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