Friday, June 12, 2009

TFLN Texts of The Day

Texts of the day:
  1. (609): so im in the parking lot of taco bell eating a taco...and some girl just got out of a car and screamed at the top of her lungs "XANEX FOR SALE!!!!" i fucking love Hamilton.
  2. (920): the new apple iphone has a feature that can find itself if you lose it, apple is getting closer to making a phone completely drunkproof...
  3. (505): No, asshole. I'm not gay. But if I was I think I would do better than fucking Nick Lachey.
  4. (650): dude, i just saw a bobcat while i was rollerblading this morning (805): 1 dont ever text someone @ 8am on sat. 2 dont ever admit to rollerblading past 1992.
  5. (208): I'm going to shit on something weird. . . I can't wait
  6. (952): i feel like im doing the pre-walk of every car that drives by is like, ooooo look at that girl, in that itty bitty dress, yep shes about to get her skank on tonight...
  7. (614): Sometimes I think my vagina thinks its a penis.
  8. (719): Even my Mr Clean Magic Eraser can't make last night disappear.
  9. (908): You just compared our sex life to a seven year old kid.
  10. (256): every time i send "do you want some cock" to her T9 manages to change it to "anal"... i think she's mad now
  11. (267): My unemployment check should really just be direct-deposited into the checking account of my drug dealer
  12. (479): I'm going to save the lime from my McDonald's salad to use in my Corona later tonight.
  13. (815): I woke up naked this morning and I found out that I thought I was Adam last night and Eve was my wife so I ran naked saying I was in the Garden of Eded and I could shit wherever I wanted.....too bad the garden was in my friends apt.......I spent the morning cleaning and have reached a new low

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