Friday, April 10, 2009

Jesus was an actor? has compiled a list of the top 10 Jesus movies. In chronological order they are:
  • The King of Kings (1927)
  • The King of Kings (1961)
  • The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964)
  • Godspell (1973)
  • Gospel Road (1973)
  • Jesus of Nazareth (1977)
  • Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979)
  • The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
  • The Passion of the Christ (2004)
  • South Park: Fantastic Easter Special (2007)

I've seen Godspell when some company came in and did a shitty performance in my grade school gym. The only other "Jesus Piece" I've seen is Passion of The Christ and I did not even see the whole thing; I was a college freshman that did not want to read for hours on end and ended up kind of falling asleep. It's ok though, God's not mad at me because Mel Gibson made it and they're on rough terms ever since Mel blamed the Jews for everything.

When reached for comment Jesus said, "No He Got Game? God damn it."

Personally my favorite "Jesus Piece" is below.


I Believe PETA Has Some Time To Waste

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) sent The Pet Shop Boys a request to change their name to The Rescue Shelter Boys.

Let that sink in for about 2 minutes and I'm sure you've come up with one if not all these thoughts:
  1. (Still thinking)
  2. "Really?"
  3. "Well I've heard of The Pet Shop Boys but what do they sing?"
  4. "No no, seriously?"

Now I'm not for unethical treatment against animals of course but really? (and I'm not ripping off Seth Myers) I guess in a time where the economy is in the shitter and people are losing jobs everywhere, the people at PETA decide their next plan of attack like this. Jeez.

Anyways I searched for Pet Shop Boys and apparently I stumbled across their "greatest hits." (I stopped listening at 30 seconds)


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gays Make it Rain. . .and Thunder

Well if you are a smart individual they don't. The clip below if is from NOM (National Organization for Marriage) and they pretty much want you to know that the gay and lesbian community is ruining everything.

This is getting ridiculous. I looked at the site briefly and I guess these people mean business. I wanna know how a doctor is hurt by same sex marriages, or a parent is worried because her son or daughter is learning about gay couples and marriages (frankly I haven't heard about school's teaching this). I hope when I am in for surgery some day my doctor doesn't "slip" or perform the wrong "procedure" because he or she is too busy thinking about same sex marriage. Then again if their parents were smart my doctor would only be a white, straight man because women don't have rights and if we're taking a step (read-leap) that far back we might as well only include white people too.

This quote from Gawker pretty much sums it all up:

"If it was true that gay marriage would hurt the people who made this ad, actually literally hurt them, physically, we would book the next flight to Des Moines, hire a priest, and marry the first dude who answered a Craigslist ad."

In following I think the people that support NOM should take a good, long, hard look in the mirror before they leave their house to hop in their Range Rovers/F150s to go to work at their _______ (insert Marketing/advertising/banking/manual labor job here) job and take a second to go fuck themselves.

(The audition tapes are on Gawker and add to the stupidity of it all)


Kenny Powers Is Fuckin Back

If you don't know who Kenny Powers is check out the clip below. If you do not immediately want to watch all 6 episodes from the first season then you might as well knife a nun on your way to blow up preschools. Eastbound and Down is easily my new favorite show. Thank god someone at HBO had their head on straight when they announced the show's renewal. Originally scripted for a mini-series of 6 episodes, the show is set to return for season 2 sometime next year.

Kenny Power's Greatest Hits:

Kenny Power's Training Video:

Warming Glow

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Vermont is finally famous for something

Following in the steps of Iowa last week, Vermont's state legistaure and senate voted overwhelmingly to override a gubernatorial veto of a bill to extend marriage rights to same sex couples. Seeing as I do not know Vermont really for anything this is a good step for them.
