Thursday, October 23, 2008

Trick or Treat-Or Jail

So it's almost that time once again where kids get dressed up in elaborate costumes to go get free candy throughout their neighborhood. That is unless you live in sexual predator land. Local law enforcement agencies all around the country are cracking down on sex offenders in a variety of ways:
"South Carolina has a 5 p.m. Halloween curfew for sex offenders on
probation or
parole. They cannot give out candy or have their outdoor lights

Texas requires registered sex offenders to turn off their porch lights
and prohibits
them to have any exterior decorations between 5 p.m. and 5
a.m., with parole,
probation and police officers checking to see if they

Some see this as the right step and some see this as further punishing those that may have paid their dues already and are abiding by their parole terms. Personally you can't single out those that have been wrongfully convicted or are law abiding. So why not just blanket all sex offenders with regulations on their lives? It worked with the Patriot Act right?

Either way I think we all are missing the point here. We overlook the fact we celebrate All Saint's Eve or All Hallow's Eve by dressing up as the opposite of a saint-a devil or ghost from hell or purgatory. That's why this year on Christmas eve I'm going to dress up in traditional Jewish attire.
(Of course I believe that's the predator in reference here)

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