Thursday, October 23, 2008

Garden > Decades of (Clergy) Abuse

So the catholic church is looking to finally start making amends with its many abuse victims. Apparently the first step is a garden. Yup, that's write folks, a garden. The Cathedral of Christ the Light in Oakland, California figured some good ole' fashioned greenery should do the trick:

"Part of the church's mission is to make sure we bring healing to people who are
in need of it, even if we were the cause of it," he says. "Having this garden on
the campus says we are serious about our desire to help in your healing process
on whatever level. As this cathedral will be around for 500 years, so will that
garden as a place of healing and hope."

So not only can you throw money to cover up clergy abuse but it turns out some dirt and plants work just as well. At least it's not this.

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