On the heels of one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in Europe, England has made sex education mandatory in schools-even kindergarten. Apparently eating crayons and stealing each other's toys have fallen below nasty kindergarten sexual escapades and rampant pre-pubescent pregnancy.
‘‘It’s vital that this information doesn’t come from playground rumor or the mixed
messages from the media about sex,’’ Schools Minister Jim Knight said Thursday,
announcing that sex ed would be added to the national curriculum.
I went to a catholic grade school but I can only imagine that public school kindergarten playground rumor was also something like this: "Billy likes Suzie." "Ewww Suzie has cooties." Living in the same house as a 5 year old and a 10 year old I can attest that I've never heard either of them reference anything sexual. 5 years old is just too early to bring sex education into schools.
I think more of that money they're using to implement sex ed would be better served on dental care or just write me the checks each month.
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