Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gays Make it Rain. . .and Thunder

Well if you are a smart individual they don't. The clip below if is from NOM (National Organization for Marriage) and they pretty much want you to know that the gay and lesbian community is ruining everything.

This is getting ridiculous. I looked at the site briefly and I guess these people mean business. I wanna know how a doctor is hurt by same sex marriages, or a parent is worried because her son or daughter is learning about gay couples and marriages (frankly I haven't heard about school's teaching this). I hope when I am in for surgery some day my doctor doesn't "slip" or perform the wrong "procedure" because he or she is too busy thinking about same sex marriage. Then again if their parents were smart my doctor would only be a white, straight man because women don't have rights and if we're taking a step (read-leap) that far back we might as well only include white people too.

This quote from Gawker pretty much sums it all up:

"If it was true that gay marriage would hurt the people who made this ad, actually literally hurt them, physically, we would book the next flight to Des Moines, hire a priest, and marry the first dude who answered a Craigslist ad."

In following I think the people that support NOM should take a good, long, hard look in the mirror before they leave their house to hop in their Range Rovers/F150s to go to work at their _______ (insert Marketing/advertising/banking/manual labor job here) job and take a second to go fuck themselves.

(The audition tapes are on Gawker and add to the stupidity of it all)



Anonymous said...

Thats what makes this country so great. People have their own opinion about different topics. You wanting those people to go "fuck themselves" is your opinion. However, my opinion is that gay marriage is wrong because A) our bodies are crafted so that all the parts have a specific function. I think what we really need to argue about is why electronics only have a male to female connection and not a male to male or female to female connection instead. Thats some BS right there. B)Women and Men have different qualities that help a child grow into a well rounded individual. Having too much of one thing will make you awfully ice cream. C) Last but not least, obnoxious behavior displayed during gay parades or whatever, really makes it hard for people to take you seriously. Dress up is for little kids. Grow up.

So there you have it. I figured I'd comment on this since this site seems to be a complete waste of time. My advice would be that you let people voice their opinions and you keep your comments to yourself. Grab a beer and relax. We have enough idiotic people in the world and we don't really need another one. The only reason I voiced my opinion about this subject is to show you that everyone thinks differently. So please don't be telling people to fuck themselves. Thank you sir.

Bet You Won't said...

Hey, I appreciate the comment whether it be against my beliefs or not-that's what the internet is for. If it's a complete waste of time so be it, once again your opinion. But I'll keep doing what I like as well, nothing wrong with a good old fashioned debate/conversation.
