Monday, November 17, 2008

Fun With Fred: Recession

Fun with Fred is gonna be a monthly, weekly, or daily post with experiences with my father Fred. Those of you who know him know that fun is being used very loosely, or pretty much inappropriately.
I'm awoken on a Saturday morning at about 10:30am (after getting in about 6 hours earlier) by my father. He feels it is necessary to tell me about the recession.
Fred: "Let me ask you this, do you watch the news or read the papers?"

Me: "All the time, why?"

Fred: "Well apparently you don't pay attention to often because we're going through what we call a recession right now. Not a depression or a great depression but a recession. My grandparents went through the great depression. Do you know what that is? Do you wanna stand in line to get a brick of cheese?"

Me: "What? Yes I know what that is, why? What are you trying to get at?"

Fred: "When you go out every night (which in reality is twice a week) all you do is spend money and that won't help you. You have to have at least 3 months pay saved up just in case. You gotta start saving"
Me: "I know, I know. Thanks for the advice."
Fred: (While reading the sales papers) "Aww this guy's got a motorcycle for sale, I should buy it."

Me: "You're right"

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