Monday, October 27, 2008

Your Monday Morning Fuck It

Monday Morning Fuck It showcases things that happened over the weekend that you may have missed and frankly don't care about.

1) Amy Winehouse hospitalized for lung problems (again) which doctors say are just precautionary, her father says is from cigarettes and crack cocaine, and Ms. Winehouse says is from a casual Friday night.


2) The Phils have took 3-1 lead in the World Series but since no one likes Philadelphia, Tampa is about as cool as all those "Rayhawks", and the Bears didn't play this week-fuck it.


3) Palin is going rogue. Unfortunately it's not the fun "crazy, half dressed, slurred speech while evading cops" rogue. It's the "I have my own agenda, diva" rogue. Damn


4) Amy Poehler gave birth to a baby boy Saturday (father is Will Arnett). All is well and Amy said that although baby has only been on this earth only a few days he is already funnier than her SNL Weekend Update co-anchor Seth Meyers.


5) Last and certainly least, High School Musical 3 opened at number 1 with $42 million dollars. Apparently children aren't affected by Wall Street. My only hope is that in about 10-15 years we don't see NBA superstars singing and dancing mid game- unless of course it's the Knicks which might actually help the team.

[FOX News]

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